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Tuesday, 17 November 2015

MTP Kit ensures Abortion with Convenience

How will you feel when you come to know that you are pregnant? You may feel happy because you want to give birth to a baby and decide to continue the pregnancy. But, what if you don't want to become a parent, or do not plan to get pregnant in the first place? An unplanned pregnancy can provoke many different feelings. In fact, most women find they have mixed feelings. They may feel concerned about being able to care for a baby, scared that they have to give up other important things and concerned about how their partner and family may react.

In a majority of the unplanned and unwanted pregnancies, women choose to abort due to various reasons like disruption of work and education, shortage of financial resources, lack of support from partner, family and friends, rape cases and so on.Abortion means you opt to terminate a pregnancy. It is significant that you entirely consider all of your options when making this decision. 

There are different methods of abortion and depending on how far along a pregnancy is, you can choose the best suitable method. Abortion can be classified in two ways:-
  • Medical Abortion or Abortion by pills: -In this method abortion is done by using abortion pills and it does not involve the use of surgical tools or anesthesia for abortion. It has an efficacy rate of around 90-95% with minimum side effects. It is the chosen method for abortion when pregnancy is less than 49 days old.
  • Surgical Abortion: - In this method abortion is done by using surgical tools and anesthesia. This type of method is not preferred by women who are sacred of tools and anesthesia.
Medical abortion can be done using MTP Kit or Abortion kit which contains two medications, Mifepristone (200mg) and Misoprostol (200mcg). It is a great method to replace surgical abortion, which involves the use of surgical instruments to expel the fetus from the womb. It is your choice if you need assistance during the process or not, as most of the time, it is not required, if proper precautions are taken.

You have to get an ultrasound, before using the MTP Kit to confirm your pregnancy and how far along your pregnancy is because this kit is used when a pregnancy is less than 49 days old. So, buy MTP Kit online now from

Mifepristone or RU486 (1 pill) is to be taken orally with water. It is anti-progesterone, which is needed to keep the fetus attached to the uterine lining. In the absence of this hormone, the uterine lining declines and detaches the fetus. So, buy RU486 online now.

After two to three days of taking RU486, take 4 tablets of Misoprostol orally by keeping them under the tongue in a sublingual way. Take all the 4 tablets of Misoprostol together. It helps in termination of pregnancy by initiating contractions in the uterus so as to expel the fetus. After 14 days, get a confirmation test from nearby medical clinic to ensure you have aborted successfully.

There can be some short-term adverse effects of medical abortion such as vaginal bleeding which may contain blood clots, abdominal cramps, headache, vomiting, diarrhea, tiredness, nausea, appetite loss etc.

  • Women breastfeeding or beyond 12 weeks gestation should not use MTP Kit;
  • If an IUD is inserted, the female has to get it removed first, and only then she should use MTP Kit;
  • Do not combine the medications with smoking, alcoholism, over the counter drugs, herbal supplements etc.
Buy Cheap MTP Kit online now from here at the best prices and get it delivered at your doorstep.


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