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Monday, 5 October 2015

Get oil free & pimple free skin with A-Ret Gel

Everybody wants a pimple free skin. Every men and women are very conscious about their face, beauty and texture of the skin. If you actually want beautiful and pimple free skin then you have to do some necessary things to keep your face free from dust, mist, dirt and from harmful UV rays. At the end of the day, properly clean your face with mild face wash and sufficient amount of water.

Facts on Acne and its reasons-

In simple words, Acne is known as pimples. It is a common skin disease that happens when your hair follicles become plugged with oil and dead skin cells. It can happen to anyone at any age, but it usually affects the teenagers on the face, neck, chest and back. Acne generally occurs when
Get oil free & pimple free skin with A-Ret gel
your sebaceous glands produce excess amount of oil. It is also caused due to hereditary, hormones and oil production. 

To prevent Acne you should adopt various steps-
  • Daily wash your face two times in a day (morning or evening).
  • Use special care while choosing the cleanser.
  • Always use cosmetic products according to your skin type.
  • After cleaning the face always use some moisturizer or lotion.
  • Properly wash your all makeup before going to sleep.
  • Avoid the contamination; don’t use other’s handkerchiefs, towels or other clothes.
  • Wash your hairs after two or three days. 
Pay special attention to your diet-
  • Drink sufficient amount of water
  • Always eat healthy and oil free food items.
  • Make use of Vitamin A and zinc supplements in your diet.
  • Keep away from the high fat containing meals like pizza, burger and French fries, etc.
  • Always drink milk and fruit juices.
  • Stay away from smoking and intake of alcohol
  • Physical exercise to reduces stress and prevent pimples
  • Have a proper sleep
Medical treatment of Acne-

There are various kinds of gel, cream and tablets are available in the market for the treatment of pimples. A Ret Gel 0.1 (20 gm) is one of the best and effective gel based preparation applied to the skin for the healing of Acne and it also prevent the spreading of pimples. Generic Tretinoin is a highly dynamic component accessible in this gel. Tretinoin is also used to treat the ageing spots, wrinkles and suntan. Now, don’t be stressed just because of pimples, immediately make an order A-Ret gel online to get a pimple free skin.

How generic Tretinoin works for acne treatment?
Tretinoin is a generic form of A-Ret gel and it is a derivative of Vitamin A. Tretinoin belongs to the group of medicines known as Retinoid. It is used to treat moderate to severe pimples. Moreover, it reduces the spreading and severity of pimples and promotes the rapid healing of pimples. It works by inhibiting the actions of sebaceous gland and it stops the production of oil from your skin cells.
Other form of this gel is applied to improve the texture of skin and minimize the fine wrinkles. It also provides the relief from sun tanning.

At what time you will apply A-ret gel?
  1. It is mainly applied one time in a day.
  2. It is usually applied at nighttime before going to sleep.
Step by step instructions to apply A-Ret gel-
  1. A-Ret gel is only meant for topical use.
  2. Properly wash your skin with water and mild soap.
  3. Apply a small amount of medication on you affected area in the uniform layer.
  4. Softly rub the gel on your skin.
  5. Wash your hands carefully after the application of gel.
Some safety steps should be emulated while applying the gel-
  • Don’t apply this gel, if you are hypersensitive to generic Tretinoin.
  • Do not apply this gel on the injured, burnt and scraped area.
  • Don’t apply this gel near the open flame as Tretinoin is inflammable in nature.
  • Don’t apply this gel near the area of your eyes, lips and mouth.
  • Apply sunscreen lotion or cream as going outside during sunny days because Tretinoin makes you more prone to sunlight and harm your skin.
Buy A-Ret Gel Online to get immediate rid of moderate to severe pimples. 


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